Sunday, March 28, 2010

Concluding Statement of Theater

As we come to the end of this term, I really have to say that my conclusion of theater has truly changed through my wisdom and experience I have gained with this course. As I have traveled through the world of theater, I have really learned all the different elements theater possesses and how relate to my own life. I have learned that theater is an art form, especially live theater. It really takes talent, love and passion for the art to accomplish and present the audience with a great show.
I have come to learn that the driving and motivating force behind all shows is the world that we live in. It was interesting to learn all the different forms different cultures have created, and how they all interrupt and show theater in their own points of view. As I have reviewed what I and the class have written I can even see the differences in our each other’s work. Even though majority of us have grown up in the American culture, we all have our own experiences and view on everything. Growing up in different lives really does affect how we view and interpret different things. The one think that has become evident to all of us is that theater in a sense is a mirror of life as a whole. It really does show us the different roles and aspects of life in a light you may have never thought of before. Watching a play is really making us consider and think about our lives in a deeper more thought provoking way. It is easy to get caught up in the fast paced technology based world that we live in today. But the theater gives us a chance to step back, really relax and understand that life is a show. It gives up time to rethink and understand life and the different roles we play and come in contact with throughout our lives. Overall it shows the different focuses on the world and how everything interacts and affects the outcome and future.
Theater demonstrates how different people portray themselves and tell their own stories. This is something I personally experienced firsthand by just reading the other student’s interpretations throughout the course. I really felt like I did get a piece of people’s stories and life even without personally or physically meeting them. By displaying their personal thoughts and understanding throughout this course. This is something that we do not always take the time to listen to on a day to day basis. Since a lot of times today’s world is very focused on looks and the physical aspect of something. But this course has really shown me that understanding the culture and background of a person really depicts the inside and better understand how that person is feeling and reacting to life in comparison to yourself. Overall you can say that theater in a way presents us with the questions and answers of life.
Overall it has become very evident to me that life is a theater. We all have roles and play and become different people and characters depending on the environment and role we are exposed to at that time. Even when watching a show you come to realize that the actor is a live person playing a role that is based on life. It may be something that relates to your own life or it may be something completely new to you. But I have learned either way you should take the time to learn from the scene. How can you relate it to your own life? There really are hundreds of ways to do so. It is all dependent of how creative and open you want to be.
I am so happy I took this class. I really has giving me a chance to vent and understand myself as wells as others in a new way. I was not expecting to grow and learn as much as I have throughout this course. This is something I will take with me on my journey through life and use it to relate and understand my surroundings and the people around me. I really think that everyone is this class feels this way in some sense. Even though we did all start on a different level and understanding of theater it really did not hinder our learning process at all. Instead it let us see the difference though process and views and even people who were more experienced in theater can learn from those who were not. This is the beauty of life and the learning process we all go through.

Relate Theater to your LIFE!

As I come to the end of this course, I really have developed a new and greater appreciation of theater and how it relates to my life. If you really think about it you can basically relate theater to every aspect of your life with a little imagination and understanding of theater. When it comes to my passions, as a fashion merchandising major I have always had a passion for the arts and beauty in life. Creativity and imagination have been important to me and the career path I want to take. Theater perfectly exemplifies these aspects as well. I really have taken a second thought about how I can relate my major to theater in the sense of developing costumes and being the stylist in shows. One of my professors actually started her career there and has always told us about that but I personally never completely understood the level it really related to until now with the completion of this class.
When it comes to family theater relates in the sense that we all play a role in our everyday life. For me I play the role of a daughter and older sister. As we have been raised in the American culture, we learn what exactly that entails and what is considered appropriate behavior and role. As a daughter it is important that I know my role and show respect and appreciation for everything my parents have provided me with. When it comes to being the older sister I know I have a large impact and set an example so it is important that I show them how to become an abiding citizen in the world.
I can continue to relate theater to my friends and roles I play there as a member of the sorority and just in our everyday life. I am considered one of the more responsible of my friends since I am oldest. In a way I somewhat play the mother. Since I am always someone to come talk to and get support if needed. Theater is very relevant to “gaming” in the sense that it teaches us that in a way life is somewhat of a game. Almost like a large monopoly board. Many people are concerned about making money and being successful and getting far in life. But sometimes it is important to take a step back and look and appreciate the beauty of life. This is something theater tries to teach and show us through its performances. It takes different aspects of life and the world and brings out its beauty with costumes, music and creativity. Movies are very big today and really have a lot to owe to theater since they are in a way the more modern day and technical version of theater and shows. Even today movies are brought back to the theater. When this happens often times they are also portrayed and interpreted slightly different then they were previously on screen. This is because theater has a way of really taking something really anything and making the audience view and understand it in a different way depending on how they focus on it.
Many people search all their life to find what their part is in life. In a sense you could say they are searching for their role. Theater is basically the acting out of life and different situations. But it is not the situation itself but in reality the way you interpret it. This is something one should carry into life as well. We are always told to stay positive in life and view the glass as half full. This is actually telling you have you should be interpreting life just as we do with theater. This course has taught me a lot about realizing my passion of creativity and beauty that I aspire to create and obtain in life through my fashion career. I have learned I need to understand my role currently and the steps I need to take and accomplish to better improve my role and achieve the success and desire of the future. Since I do picture myself in a sense of possessing a higher my desired role later in life I realize I need to put work into it. I aspire to become as a buyer and/or leader in the fashion world. This is something I know I need to work on and earn just as you would earn a higher part in a show with practice and dedication to the art.