Thursday, February 11, 2010

How Fashion Merchandising relates to Theater:

I am a senior Fashion Merchandising major here at IUP. As I knew before I took this course, Theater and fashion have a huge correlation with each other. This is why I think I was so interested in taking this course. I love going to shows and seeing the different and creative costumes they come up with and how they fit with the show’s era of time. The originality and imagination that is put into the costumes really makes a good show great. I have already learned that theater is a form of art. This can be said the same for Fashion, as it is an expression of one’s personality and how they want to be seen in the world. Fashion can be played up and exaggerated dramatically however one would like to be perceived and in a way can be considered a type of costume to show the outside world your own personality. Both theater and fashion have a large correlation with culture around the world. They are both a beautiful representation of the differences in culture with dress and how they impact society.
I believe that theater is largely dependent on the creativity and passion costume designers have for fashion. It is important that costume designers understand fashion and how it changes throughout different eras. If they did not do their research on the appropriate clothing style of the era of their show it would not be as captivating or understood by the audience. I had a historic costume class just last semester where we studied the development of textiles from ancient times to present day with special emphasis on techniques used in constructing historic textiles. This is something a costume/ set designer would have to research was well to fit properly with the play era and location they are working on. I believe both fashion and theater have a large correlation with each other in many facets of life.
As a fashion merchandising major I have many options in career paths once I graduate. Since I am also getting my minor in Business Administration I have decided to focus more on the business side of fashion. But still this is very relevant the theater since once I graduate I could be involved in the buying of costumes and or selling of them. I have never wanted to be a designer, but I would love the chance the chance to be a type of stylist at some point. I believe being a stylist/ costume coordinator in the theater area would be such a fun job. I do have a strong interest in the dramatic and elegant side of fashion and styling and believe theater would be a wonderful fit with this interest. It would allow me to have fun with the dramatic side of fashion as it fits on stage.
I have heard often enough how the runway is a form of Broadway in the fashion world. Since often times runway shows are very extreme beautiful fashion designs that you would not normally see on everyday people walking down the street. As well as Broadway can be viewed as the high fashion of plays in the theater world. This strong bond both theater and fashion have is the main reason I took this class. It is my last semester and I need just a couple extra credits. Instead of taking an easy useless class, I decided that this introduction to theater class would be perfect, since it is so relative to my major. This way when I graduate I do have an understanding of theater and if I wanted could find a career in costume styling’s and collection.

Mary Poppins Costume

I decided to design costumes for the play “Mary Poppins”. This is a childhood favorite for many. The story revolves around the Banks, a rich British family growing up in the Edwardian Era. I decided to design costumes for Mary Poppins, the two children Michael and Jane, and Bert the sidewalk entertainer they befriend. Since the play is has a very whimsical approach based a lot on imagination, I want the costumes to have that magical affect as well.

Mary Poppins: As the nanny and most important character in the play she needs the most attention. Her costume should be very conservative with a white blouse that buttons up to the neck and use a ribbon as a type of bow tie around the neck. Then she needs a long fitted jacket and a skirt that goes ¾ the way down her leg. For her shoes a pair of high buttoned old fashioned black boots would be perfect. Her most important touches would be her accessories which include an old fashioned black hat with a flower (daisy) preferably. Then she needs her famous carpet bag for which she can fit almost anything inside magically including her large black umbrella which she uses to travel location to location.

Bert: The kind chimney sweep/ street artist has many different outfits. I decided to focus on his costume as a chimney sweeper and how he is obviously in a lower class then the others. He would need a basically all black work outfit including black pants/jeans with a raged old suit jacket and black/brown shirt underneath. The jazz up his outfit slightly I would include a red neck tie and black pancake beret. For accessories he would need a chimney sweeper and ashed up face and hands.

Jane & Michael Banks: As the spoiled children of a rich banker and feminist mother the children will be dressed in nice conservative Edwardian Era clothing. This will include for Jane an old fashioned dress with sailor color and ribbon tied around hat. Jane will wear her hair straight and half up with a straw hat. White tights and mary-jane styled flat shoes will top off her outfit. Michael will wear a nice button up shirt with neck tie and sweater vest over top. He will wear knee length breeches with high socks and black leather lace up shoes. His hair will be tidy and slicked to one side.